My Family
Hello! My name is Anna. I am eight years old, and I love my family very much.
Today, I want to talk about my family and what we do together.
Every morning, I get up when my mom calls out my name from the kitchen.
"Anna! Time to wake up!" she says.
I get out of bed and put on my school uniform.
Then I go down to the kitchen. My mom and dad set up breakfast for us.
Mom makes pancakes or eggs, and Dad pours out milk and orange juice.
I also help out by bringing over plates and forks to the table.
Sometimes my little brother, Ben, runs around the kitchen, and Mom has to pick him up.
"Ben, stop running!" Mom says. But Ben just laughs and runs off again.
After breakfast, my dad goes off to work. He is a doctor and takes care of many people.
Mom looks after me and Ben during the day.
When I come home from school, Ben always runs up to me and says, "Anna, play with me!"
So we play with his blocks and cars. Sometimes, we build up tall towers.
When they fall down, we pick them up and start over.
Sometimes, Ben throws away his toys when he gets angry, but I help him pick them up again.
On sunny weekends, we go out to the park together.
Dad and I walk around the lake, and Ben runs ahead to chase ducks.
Mom always calls out to Ben, "Don’t go too far!"
Sometimes we bring along a picnic.
We set out a big blanket and lay out sandwiches, fruit, and cookies.
After eating, we kick around a ball, and Mom takes pictures of us.
On rainy days, we stay in and watch over Ben as he plays.
Sometimes we turn on the TV to watch cartoons together.
Dad reads out funny stories, and Mom helps me write down my thoughts in my notebook.
In the evening, we all sit down for dinner.
After dinner, Mom and I clean up the dishes, and Dad plays with Ben.
When it's bedtime, Mom reads out a story for us.
Then I lie down in bed and think about the fun things we did that day.
On special days, like birthdays, we set up decorations and put on party hats.
Grandma and Grandpa come over, and we eat up cake and sing along to music.
I always look forward to those happy days.
My family is very important to me.
We take care of each other, help out, and always have fun together.
I am thankful for my family every day!
구동사 (Phrasal Verb) 의미 (한국어 해석)
talk about ~에 대해 이야기하다
get up 일어나다
call out 큰 소리로 부르다
wake up 잠에서 깨다
get out 나오다, (침대 등에서) 일어나다
put on 입다, 착용하다
go down 내려가다
set up 준비하다, 차리다
pours out 따르다, 붓다
help out 도와주다
bring over 가져오다
runs around 이리저리 뛰다
pick up 집다, 줍다
runs off 달아나다, 도망가다
goes off 나가다, 출근하다
take care of 돌보다, 보살피다
look after 돌보다, 보살피다
runs up 다가오다, 뛰어오다
play with ~와 놀다
build up 쌓다, 만들다
start over 다시 시작하다
throws away 버리다
go out 나가다, 외출하다
walk around 돌아다니다
runs ahead 앞서 뛰다
go too far 너무 멀리 가다
bring along 가지고 가다, 데려가다
set out 펴다, 차리다
lay out 펼치다, 늘어놓다
kick around (공을) 차다
take pictures 사진을 찍다
stay in 집에 있다, 외출하지 않다
watch over 지켜보다, 돌보다
turn on 켜다
read out 소리 내어 읽다
write down 적다, 기록하다
sit down 앉다
clean up 청소하다, 정리하다
come over 집에 오다
eat up 다 먹다
sing along 함께 노래하다
look forward to 기대하다
lie down 눕다
think about 생각하다
have fun 즐기다,