Family Trip to Hawaii
Last summer, Olivia and her family went on a family trip to Hawaii.
Olivia was so excited! She got up early in the morning and put on her favorite yellow T-shirt and shorts.
"Olivia, don’t forget to pack up your hat and sunglasses!" said Mom.
"Okay, Mom! I’m ready to go!" Olivia said as she picked up her backpack and ran down the stairs.
Dad helped to bring along the suitcases, and they all set off for the airport.
"Let’s check in and pick up our tickets first," said Dad.
"I can’t wait to get on the plane!" Olivia said, jumping with excitement.
While they waited for the airplane, Olivia and her brother looked around the airport.
"Look, there’s a big plane outside!" said Olivia.
"And look at all those people," said her brother. "Where are they going?"
When it was time to board, everyone lined up to get on the plane.
Soon the airplane took off, and Olivia looked out the window.
"Wow! Look at the clouds!" she said.
During the flight, Mom handed out some snacks. Olivia ate up her sandwich and drank up her juice.
Her brother took out a book to read over, and Dad looked over a map of Hawaii.
After a long flight, they finally got to Hawaii.
"Let’s head over to the hotel first and check in," said Mom.
When they arrived at the hotel, they put down their bags and looked around the room.
"Can we go out to the beach now?" asked Olivia.
"Sure, but let’s put on sunscreen first," said Dad.
"And don’t forget to bring along towels and water!" said Mom.
Once they were ready, Olivia and her brother ran into the water and splashed around happily.
"Be careful not to go too far!" Dad called out.
Olivia picked up a pretty shell and showed it off to Mom.
"Look what I found!" she said proudly.
After swimming, they sat down on a beach towel to eat up their sandwiches.
"This is the best lunch ever!" said her brother.
They also drank up all their juice because it was so hot.
Later, the family walked along the beach and looked for more shells.
Dad pointed out a crab hiding under a rock. "Look over here, kids!" he said.
"Let’s bring back some shells for Grandma," said Olivia.
"Good idea," said Mom. "We’ll wrap them up safely later."
In the evening, they came back to the hotel to rest.
Olivia lay down on her bed and said, "Today was a great day!"
"I can’t wait to go on a boat ride tomorrow," said her brother.
"Yes! And we can check out the volcano too," said Dad.
Before going to bed, Olivia wrote down everything they did that day in her notebook.
"I want to remember this trip forever," she said.
"Let’s look back on all these memories when we get home," said Mom.
"Tomorrow, I want to try out surfing!" said Olivia.
"Surfing? Wow, that will be fun," said Dad.
"But you have to watch out for the waves," said Mom, smiling.
"Okay! Good night, everyone!" Olivia said as she lay down to sleep.
구동사 (Phrasal Verb)
pack up 짐을 싸다
pick up 집어 들다, (사람/물건을) 태우다/가져오다
bring along 함께 가져오다
set off 출발하다
check in (호텔, 공항 등에서) 체크인하다, 등록하다
get on (탈것에) 타다
take off (비행기가) 이륙하다
hand out 나눠주다
eat up 다 먹다
drink up 다 마시다
take out 꺼내다
look over 훑어보다, 살펴보다
head over (~로) 향하다
put down 내려놓다
put on (옷, 액세서리, 화장품 등) 착용하다, 바르다
call out 외치다, 부르다
show off 자랑하다
point out 지적하다, 가리키다
bring back 가져오다, 되돌려주다
wrap up 포장하다
check out 확인하다, 살펴보다
look back on 회상하다
try out 시험 삼아 해보다
watch out 조심하다, 주의하다
lay down 눕다