A Trip to the Zoo (동물원 여행) — 확장 버전 400
A Trip to the Zoo
Hello! My name is Lucy. Today, I am going to the zoo with my mom, dad, and little brother, Max. I am very happy because I love animals! Max is also excited, and he keeps asking, "When will we see the lions?"
We wake up early in the morning. I get out of bed and put on my favorite yellow dress. I wash up and brush my teeth. After that, I go downstairs to eat breakfast.
Mom makes pancakes, and Dad makes orange juice. Max and I help to set up the table. After breakfast, we get in the car and drive to the zoo. The zoo is not far from our house, so we arrive quickly.
When we arrive, we get out of the car. I see many people and children. Some kids are eating ice cream. Some are running around. Everyone looks excited!
Mom takes out the tickets from her bag and gives them to the man at the zoo gate. He smiles and says, "Welcome to the zoo! Enjoy your day!"
First, we walk over to the lions. The lions are very big and strong. They are sleeping under a tree, but one lion gets up and walks around. Dad takes out his phone to take some pictures. I look at the lions and say, "Wow, they are so big!" Max is a little scared but also curious.
Next, we go over to the monkeys. The monkeys are funny. They climb up the trees and jump around. One monkey looks at me and makes a funny face. I laugh, and Mom laughs too. Max tries to wave at the monkey, and the monkey waves back!
After that, we walk over to the elephants. The elephants are eating grass. One elephant picks up a stick and throws it away. Another elephant sprays water with its trunk. "Look, Mom! The elephant is playing with water!" I say. Mom smiles and takes out her camera to take a photo.
Then, we sit down on a bench to eat sandwiches and apples. Mom brings out some juice. I take out my water bottle. We are very hungry and thirsty, so we eat and drink up quickly. Max drops his sandwich, but Dad picks it up and says, "Be careful, Max!"
Later, we go over to see the birds. The birds fly around and sing beautiful songs. Some birds are very colorful — red, yellow, and blue! One bird comes down and lands on a tree branch near us. I try to take a picture but the bird flies away quickly.
After that, we walk over to the giraffes. The giraffes are so tall! They reach out their long necks to eat leaves from tall trees. Max and I look up at them. "They are so high in the sky!" Max says.
Before we leave, we stop by the gift shop. I pick out a toy tiger. Max looks for a toy elephant and picks up a small one. Dad smiles and pays for the toys. "Thank you, Dad!" I say. "Thank you, Daddy!" says Max.
Finally, we head back to the car. I look back at the zoo and say, "I want to come back again!"
Mom smiles and says, "Maybe next month!"
On the way home, Max and I talk about all the animals we saw. I think about the funny monkey and the tall giraffes. I can't wait to tell my friends about my zoo trip at school.
When we get home, Mom says, "You both were great today! Let's write down all the animals we saw."
So we sit down at the table and write out a list: lions, monkeys, elephants, birds, giraffes.
"It was the best day ever!" I say.
set up: 준비하다, 차리다
running around: 이리저리 뛰어다니다
gets up: 일어나다
walks around: 돌아다니다
wave at: ~에게 손을 흔들다
sprays water: 물을 뿌리다
drops: 떨어뜨리다
reaches out: 목을 뻗다
look up: 올려다보다
flies away: 날아가다
take a picture: 사진을 찍다
write down: 적다
write out: 완전히 적다
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